Project reports

Project reports, deliverables have been completed:

WP3 output case study report. Dewatering external sludge to decrease levels of heavy metals:

Deliverable 3.1. Small and medium scale WWTP wastewater quality assessment:

Deliverable 3.1.

Study on distribution of phthalate acid esters (PAEs) in water and sludge in Lithuania, Poland and Denmark:

Deliverable 3.1.  Additional report.

Leakage and drainage water as a source of heavy metals in Höör/Hörby (Sweden):

Deliverable 3.2. National sludge handling rules comparison:

Deliverable 3.3. Agricultural use of sludge:

Deliverable 4.1. Plan for sludge treatment of different size wastewater treatment plants:

Deliverable 4.2. Overview of energy efficient sludge dewatering technologies:

Deliverable 4.3. Energy efficient composting:

WP5. Research on the composting process of dewatered sewage sludge:

Deliverable 5.1. Guidelines for small and medium WTP for efficient composting:

Deliverable 5.2. Technical recommendations for waste air handling and deodorization techniques :

Deliverable 6.2. Locating excess water in a small sewer system. Sweden case:

Note on PFAS in wastewater, sludge, groundwater in Bornholm:

Environmental impact assessment of plasma technology application to odour reduction in sewage sludge treatment:

The sludge composting capabilities at the municipal wastewater treatment plant “Klaipėdos vanduo” (Lithuania):


Lead Partner

West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin

Electrical Engineering Faculty
West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin

Address: ul. Sikorskiego 37 
70-313 Szczecin

Phone: +487 (258) 60 950
Contact: Marcin Holub, dr hab. inż. , assistant professor


Lead partner: +487 (258) 60 950
Partner 2: +455 (690) 0000
Partner 3: +370 (616) 15335
Partner 4: 0413-286 28
Partner 5: +503 197 780

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