We would like to inform that the STEP project is finalized this year in the end of June. The project leader – professor habilitated doctor Marcin Holub of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland sharing his expression regarding STEP project execution:
The main aim of the STEP project was to analyze trends and develop tools and decisions to increase the quality of sewage sludge and its reuse for wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) of small and medium size. Small wastewater treatment plants in the South Baltic area are facing problem with sewage sludge reuse technologies and processing efficiency. The existing tools are mostly developed for big WWTP.
The project involved 5 entities from 4 Member States countries (Poland, Denmark, Lithuania, Sweden). The partners represented academic/research sector (Universities) and practitioners managing and operating the wastewater treatment plants (WWTP’s and municipality). During the last 3 years the project consortium has performed impressive work and has analyzed different aspects of sludge in the scope of different work packages including:
Clean sludge (measurements, sensors, heavy metal detection and pollutant removal technologies, leakage control),
• Energy efficiency (efficient sludge handling, dewatering, composting),
• Nutrient reuse (optimized nutrient content, efficient composting and modern deodorization).

I hope we were able to summarize our most important results in this whitebook. I also hope that it will help other WWTPs and researchers in the South Baltic Region to find better and more sustainable solutions to existing sludge problems. For the purpose of the planet all the neighbors gathered around the Baltic Sea!”
Please find out more in our project video (please, press here).
The main project deliverable – WHITEBOOK you can find here (please, press here).

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